Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Mietta’s first month

Mietta turned five weeks old today. We had her one-month-check-up last week and all was well. Mietta is growing at a brilliant rate. She has excellent neck strength and head control for such a young baby and is smiling away - much to our content (and to Nanma’s who was able to witness some smiles and baby chats before she departed for Australia last Friday). Mietta is also ‘playing’ - reaching for and batting toys while lying under the baby gym. We have been astounded at her reaching these milestones already. At a birthday party on Sunday morning, some other parents were amazed to see her tracking with her eyes and reaching towards some bubbles being blown. Perhaps she is aiming high considering the possibility that she might have been born much earlier?!?

The boys continue to adore their little sister, although Luc did ask Nanma why she “always had to cuddle the baby” - so perhaps the novelty is beginning to wane for him. Nic is still so adoring and asks me whenever he sees me without the baby “Where is Metta?” On a couple of occasions where he has been a little too loving and has unwittingly hurt the baby, Nic has given himself an immediate ‘time out’ and disappears to his corner. 

Today Luc gave me a demonstration of his latest creation - a ‘transformer’ made from his beloved ‘stickle bricks’ - that actually really did transform. I was very impressed and told him “I love that you have such a wonderful imagination”, to which he replied “No. I don’t”. I said “Yes you do!” Luc said “Robots do not have imaginations” “Oh. So you are a robot then?” “Half robot.”  I looked at him quizzically “Half robot. Half alien” he explained. 

Photo: Nanma (Grandma as Nic calls her) with Mietta and Nicolas

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