Wednesday, September 2, 2009

WooHoo! We are now at (new) home

To our surprise, as we headed out to our new home on Saturday to accept delivery of our new washer and dryer, we had a call from our Mayflower driver, informing us that our 'household' had arrived and that the crew was ready to unload! This was such a pleasant surprise as we had been informed that our designated delivery date was not until Tuesday.

A tight turning circle compounded by our drive crossing a swale, made it impossible to reverse a large truck down our driveway. The crew therefore had their work cut out for them: having to move all items on a trolley down the driveway.

We couldn't quite believe that our limited possessions from a two bedroom apartment totaled 222 boxes and items!

We spent the weekend unpacking and organizing (and are still going).

The children LOVE the garden and house. We keep receiving impromptu hugs and thank yous from the boys. Water fights have become an afternoon necessity and little miss just adores playing in the dirt.

We did not have our gas connected until Tuesday... so had no hot water. Baths and sponge baths were taken in the kitchen sink while my husband braved cold showers. Nothing like 'camping out' indoors.

We finally had our internet connected today. It is amazing how much I miss access to the net when it is not available. Now to try and find time to blog in the midst of a crazy mess!

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